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Why donate ? 

We are all connected to one another especially since the evolution of global trade. We cannot count only on the help of the U.N to build a sustainable and just world because that is not its purpose. The purpose of the U.N is to be : "One place where the world's nations can gather together, discuss common problems and find shared solutions." It is up to the general population to put in place these solutions. In October 1970, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution including the goal that member states should give at least 0.7% of its gross national product in devellopment assistance. Since then, only six countries have ever met the target, and the OECD average has never exceeded 0.4%. It's in your hands to help build a sustainable and just world.


Sobriety, or living simply, is a key component of ecological responsibility. When combined with effective giving, it can become a powerful systemic solution for creating a fair and sustainable future. For instance, rather than purchasing an expensive and polluting car, consider opting for a small, eco-friendly vehicle. You can then take the money you saved and donate it to those in need, making a positive impact on both the environment, society and yourself by enhancing your own self-image. Even better, if possible, choose a bike instead. You'll not only reduce your environmental impact even further, but you'll also get some exercise and improve your health at the same time.

​Giving What We Can is working to create a world where giving effectively and significantly is a cultural norm. We are a resource hub, community, and force for change. We’re best known for the 10% Pledge, through which ~9,000 people have committed to giving at least 10% of their income to the most effective charities, helping inspire those who can afford it to give what we can to help others. We also do education and outreach about high-impact donations and how to concretely make a difference through effective philanthropy, leveraging thousands of hours of research to help donors find the highest-impact problems and identify the best charities working to solve them. Our community has already donated almost $400 million USD.

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